Wednesday, June 27, 2012

17 Things We All Do But Pretend We Don't

  1. Turning your phone on silent and checking it every five minutes even though no one is actually texting you.
  2. Thinking you are spectacularly tan, and then comparing yourself to any non-emo white kid and realizing that you are decidedly not.
  3. Being so excessively lazy that you have to bargain with yourself to do mundane things such as shower.
  4. Having imaginary conversations with people in your head that you would never dare have with them in person. 
  5. Making lame excuses to your friends for not hanging out, merely for the fact that you would rather sit at home and watch t.v.
  6. Procrastinating; not only for the sake of being lazy, but because your work is better last minute.
  7. Judging what other people put on Facebook, when the last thing you posted was about your cat. 
  8. Trying to convince yourself to delete your Facebook, but realizing you would no longer have anything to do all day
  9. Talking to someone, and worrying that you might talk about something in their life you learned through Facebook. (Why does everything come back to Facebook?)
  10. Freaking out every time you see a teacher in public and realizing they have a life outside of the classroom. 
  11. Every time you see an attractive person of the opposite sex, imagining a relationship that would most definitely not ensue. 
  12. Ordering something to drink at a coffee shop just because it seems cool and exotic, then realizing that it tastes terrible.
  13. Every time someone watches you type, feeling that you can't type fast enough and your fingers have to run away from them.
  14. Pretending to be excited when someone shares what they think to be really exciting information.
  15. Reading a word wrong in your head, then deciding it sounds better your way.
  16. Zoning out in a conversation, and pretending that you're still listening by occasionally saying "Yeah," "Uh-huh," and "I totally agree."
  17. Making a compilation of stupid things you know no will ever read. (Example: See Above List)

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!! Always appreciate things coming along that give me in-depth insight into my students. Very interesting, indeed!! rwj
